Photography by Alixandra Matos

Alexa Alicanti

Founder of Lextrology

Alexa Alicanti is a Placidus/Tropical Astrologer and tarot practitioner specializing in natal astrology, electional astrology, evolutionary astrology, corporate/business astrology, and degree theory with additional understanding in Whole Sign astrology, Hellenistic astrology, mundane astrology, and derivative astrology.


"As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul."

- Alchemist Hermes Trismegistus

lextrology - universal law astrology

"lex" - the law; astrology - “astron” - the star, “logia” - to study

What happens in the cosmos is reflected on Earth, and what happens on Earth is reflected in the cosmos - a form of coexistence, rather than cause and effect. Similarly, our internal experience is reflected in our external reality. If we want to change our external experience, then we must examine our internal experience; how we view and treat ourselves, situations, and other people.

We live in a time where cultivating abundance from creative, passionate, and entrepreneurial pursuits can feel systemically and individually challenging. There is a common belief ingrained in our society that community is our competition - in which abundance and longevity can only be sustained by sacrificing our passions and personal time, over-exerting ourselves, and comparing our performance to others. Lextrology company and career services are dedicated to enlighten you on how to consciously exalt your personal energy, both independently and within a team environment - everyone benefits when we show up as the best version of ourselves, and become aware of our independent skills and resources.

As beautiful as life can be, life can also be difficult and messy. We get trapped in our minds, our perspectives, and our limitations. Lextrology personal reading services provide astrology and tarot as navigation tools for clients to enquire about personal matters, and to form introspective relationships with themselves as spiritual beings.