Alexa Alicanti | Astrologer, Tarot Practitioner, Lextrology Founder

Alexa Alicanti is a Placidus/Tropical Astrologer and tarot practitioner specializing in natal astrology, electional astrology, evolutionary astrology, corporate/business astrology, and degree theory with additional understanding in Whole Sign astrology, Hellenistic astrology, mundane astrology, and derivative astrology.

"lex" - the law; astrology - “astron” - the star, “logia” - to study

My astrology divination technique blends together a lifetime of studying astrology and the philosophies of Hermeticism. What happens in the cosmos is reflected on Earth, and what happens on Earth is reflected in the cosmos - a form of coexistence, rather than cause and effect. Similarly, our internal experience is reflected in our external reality. If we want to change our external experience, then we must examine our internal experience; how we view and treat ourselves, situations, and other people.

My Spiritual Journey

Ever since I was a girl, I had an innate ability to intuit what wasn't always understandable to others. I was always able to comprehend the existence of a divine consciousness and the soul. I was raised Catholic in the way I was raised speaking English - it was the “language” of God I was most familiar with. My seeking was initially intertwined with my desire to make peace with myself, and make sense of who I was meant to become. However, I struggled with the practicalities of human life, and making peace with the struggles I endured in my personal existence. I fed my fascination with our relationship to the divine through art, music, psychology, as well as religious, esoteric, occult, and classical literature. I found that I could use archetypes and symbolism to communicate concepts and feelings in a way that was universally understood by others, and my favorite language was astrology and tarot. It helped me understand the microcosm inside of me in connection to the macrocosm of our universe, and helped me channel powerful intuitive insights for others. I have never understood why astrology was so offensive to many Catholics - if our Creator forged our universe in the perfect conditions to sustain life as we know it, we should be able to show our appreciation for it. If we can use it to understand ourselves and become more well-rounded, compassionate individuals, even better! In my eyes, God is proof that magic exists our world.

I seek to understand as much as there is to know about God, and the meaning of our existence, in every language. Lextrology is my vessel for transferring that knowledge to you.

About Lextrology Company Services

We live in a time where cultivating abundance from creative, passionate, and entrepreneurial pursuits can feel systemically and individually challenging. Survival of the fittest has been ingrained in our society - we're conditioned to believe abundance and longevity can only be sustained by sacrificing our passions and personal time, over-exerting ourselves, and comparing our performance to others. Unfortunately, this belief system often leads to some straying from the integrity of their initial motivations by taking unethical shortcuts in an attempt to come out on top. My services offer an alternative shortcut to long-term abundance, stability, and success. My services shed enlightenment on how to consciously exalt your energy and resources in order maximize your growth. We collectively benefit when we utilize our unique energy to consciously create, instead of trying to replicate the uniqueness of others.

About Lextrology Personal Services

As beautiful as life can be, life can also be difficult and messy. We get trapped in our minds, our perspectives, and our limitations. Lextrology personal reading services provide astrology and tarot as navigation tools for clients to enquire about personal matters, and to form introspective relationships with themselves as spiritual beings.