Horoscopes for Virgo Sun, Moon, & Rising

  • 11.11.24 - 12.7.24 | venus in capricorn

    venus, the planet of beauty, romance, and luxury, are complimented by capricorn’s structured energy. your life force and soul’s expression embody both beauty and functionality - this is matched with capricorn’s supportive and refined foundation. abundance and security flow into your bank account, your career, and your relationships.

  • 11.11.24 - 12.7.24 | venus in capricorn

    venus, the planet of beauty, romance, and luxury, blends with the energy of your emotional temperament, sense of comfort and security, and intuition - all while being supported by capricorn’s structured energy. you can expect to feel deeply in tune and at ease with your emotional self - you can also expect to feel loved and supported by your environment.

  • 11.11.24 - 12.7.24 | venus in capricorn

    venus, the planet of beauty, romance, and luxury, blends with the energy of your your ascendant, a.k.a. the part of the “self” that is perceived. beauty, romance, and luxury are complimented by capricorn’s structured energy. others are charmed by your poise and refinement - romance, business, and finances are elevated and solidified.

    11.25.24 - 12.15.24 | mercury goes retrograde in sagittarius

    retrograde mercury is transiting your 4th house - the house of private life, domestic matters, family life, inner circle, and upbringing. you’re entering a period of review and revision regarding what you’ve learned in your earlier familial experiences, and how it’s conditioned your belief system in relation to your identity.